Did you know that today is National Letting Go of Stuff Day? My teammates designed a really fun way to start "letting go" of the past. Each teacher found an item in their classroom that they really didn't need, wrapped it up as a present and then at a staff meeting, we exchanged gifts! It was hysterical to see what we've been holding on to. What's brilliant about this though is in the design. We hold onto things because there is usually an emotional attachment. Once we gave it away, the other person hasn't built that emotional attachment and therefore had no problem getting rid of this item from the past which we did. We then gave away all of the gifts and they either went to our rummage sale coming up or got thrown away.
Come to think of it just now - I didn't even think twice about missing my old stencils that I used to use to make bulletin boards : )
Does letting go of things from the past open up minds to letting new thoughts about education in?
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