I've been thinking a lot about these 2 things. Basically, the burning question I have is which one produces the better product.
I suppose better is the operative word.
I think I am finally understanding the meaning of Infusion and I think personal value plays a significant piece to this. When I think of fusing, I think of becoming connecting to the point that 2 separate pieces become one, cannot be broken and become something different.
I also think that inspiration is the key to bringing that value, not "doing project-based learning" or the likes although these hold great instructional value to the process. I have found that incentives, while nice, do not lead to infusion or higher. But again, incentive is sometimes the motivation needed to kick-start the process - and as a fellow colleague of mine once said, it takes strategic conniving (but conniving in a constructive, nurturing way) in the part of staff development facilitator to bring out this creative thinking.
It's the point of no return. It's the point where the teacher could never go back. It's the point where s/he has contributed to the learning in such a way that makes them personally involved, or infused.
What if we tapped into what inspires each teacher and find a way to bring that value into the classroom or to students?
What is the significance of the name of your blog?