One beauty of collective thinking is the contribution of each person's unique perspective. Sure one person can create a vision and see it through to it's completion - sure, there's a time and place for that creativity.
For the vision of what a learning space could look like, the collective contributions of teachers, students, parents, administrators, a guidance counselor and professionals from different companies - wow! Each person looks at it from a different lens.
A teacher will look at it from a mobile learning environment, a student will look at it as a place they want to be, a buildings and grounds director as a place that can be sustained and maintained over time, a principal as a place to support and fund learning, a technology coordinator as a place where instruction takes place to support kids' learning, a guidance counselor as a safe place, an interior designer as a place to make functional and beautiful, a construction engineer as numbers to meet codes and create a real life drawing - all bringing the space to life. There's more to be sure.
I'm not an expert in all these areas - I wouldn't know the codes or be able to choose the best matching colors, but I don't need to if the door is open to allow others' ideas to be part of the solution. While a few of us started with the vision of redesigning space, the full vision would not have been realized it's potential without everyone's contribution and participation.
Here are a few before pictures and the team that is constructing the vision.
We've taken a long time to build this
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