Upside Down

"Sunrise on the Boardwalk" photo courtesy of Arturo Donate @ Flickr

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Inspiration versus Motivation

Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?

Which comes first, inspiration or motivation? Or are they related in such a way that it doesn't matter which comes first? Or do they pertain to different goals?

I am working on a beautiful Saturday afternoon.

Yes. I am motivated to get as much ready as I can for the start of the school year. I would not say that I am inspired though.

I am inspired by listening to A Whole New Mind on audiobook because I will have another opportunity to speak in front of others. I am inspired to share what Daniel Pink has to say and I am using one of his ideas for activating the right brain while I present technical information to staff.  I am tired however, so I am not particularly motivated to work on this beautiful afternoon.

So what is driving me to do both? What drives you to complete work or implement new ideas?

Friday, August 6, 2010

Opportunity to Teach, Opportunity to Learn

What would you say if you had the attention of administrators and innovators for 4 minutes?

I would teach! I would take this opportunity to teach others and myself.
Watch this video called Opportunity by Synergy

I would learn! Especially from their interpretations.

I learned that there are a lot of people "paying attention" and doing something about it!
What would you say if you had the attention of administrators and innovators for 4 minutes?