Upside Down

"Sunrise on the Boardwalk" photo courtesy of Arturo Donate @ Flickr

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Posting to the Global Community

Why has this been so difficult for me? Millions of people have been posting videos of themselves on You Tube and making comments everywhere on the web, but for me, contributing to a conversation has been a goal for me.

Well, I started today with this question on TED Conversations:

What is or will be the change agent for the education system?

Trying to figure something out. 
The world has changed (Disrupting Class) and it is said that education should change as well. 
There are many people speaking to the topic, such as Dr. Ken Robinson and MindShift. 
There are innovative ideas that facilitate transformation as witnessed with the introduction of Facebook and the iPhone to the point that the past way of living will never be the same again.
There are people speaking to what needs to change (21st Century Skills Framework).
All you have to do is search "education" on TED or You Tube to listen.
States are attempting to cause change (such as take away collective bargaining of unions or implement performance pay) 
There are glimpses and pockets of new ideas that are a testament to change (The Third Teacher and Edutopia, The Horizon Report) that include design, game-based learning and mobile computing. 

However, I have not seen anything other than traditional means to get there. 

I've been thinking about an idea and I'd like to hear from the world about what they think will or could be the change agent for the educational system.

I am really looking forward to seeing if I get any responses...

1 comment:

  1. On my really long post (that didn't post), I was more or less saying that I think there are a number of contributing factors to why the educational system is needing an overhaul. Without going into all of the GMO's, Antibiotics, etc. that are partly responsible (I feel) for things like ADHD...part of the problem also is cut funding for gym programs and athletics. Also, art programs, that actually give children a chance to express themselves. I think that social media, social networking, game platforming and all are not the way to overhaul the system. I can remember when in 8th grade, we got ONE Apple computer in our school. Even with such lack of technology, I am very proficient with most technology today. I can manage my own IT fixes generally, and keep up with all the latest technology, iPod, iPad, FB, nanotechnology, etc. I believe that the lack of time children have to figure things out on their own, coupled with the dizzying access to everything and anything 24/7 is not doing anyone any good. Parents don't have time to spend with their children because most households need two incomes. Within the educational system...obviously what is being done is not working...we have computers in almost every school, yet at least half of all public school children are failing....I believe it is a back to basics approach that is necessary...some of the greatest minds of our time (Einstein, etc.) were not successful in school, and actually, were considered failures. Schools need to stop the "one size fits all" approach they have been continuing year after year after year, and seek more individualized approaches coupled with real "hands on" life situations for children to get up and tackle and figure out, rather than just being fed subject after subject. They will all then do fine with the upcoming technology changes, because they will be "thinkers". Just my two cents :)
